Exam anxiety? Unmotivated? You don’t seem to make any progress? Speaking in front of others makes you nervous?
Your language learning support
Learning a new language is always an exciting challenge. The effort pays off because it opens doors to new cultures, literature and people. The language learning process can be difficult at times as well because it takes a lot of commitment, passion and especially patience. LanguageLearningCounselling supports you during this process and provides valuable tips so that you can reach your personal goals successfully and – above all – with joy! During your personal counselling session with one of our specifically trained coaches, you will find solutions that fit your needs! By reflecting on your learning behavior, progress and goals, you will develop new approaches to language learning.

LanguageLearningCounselling sessions are free and take 50 minutes. Whether you only need one appointment or whether you would like to participate regularly, our coaches are there for you!
Realize your potential!
Learn to make the best use of your time and resources, find new motivation, and try new learning strategies! Use your strengths to work on your weaknesses. You can use your new skills in a variety of learning situations in the future, regardless of language or subject.
Get helpful tips!
Talk to your coach about the following or many other topics:
- time management
- exam management
- motivation
- learning strategies and methods
- overcoming learning barriers
- setting and reaching goals
- speaking in front of an audience
- integrating effortless learning in your
- everyday life
- reflecting on your learning behavior